Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wolves In The Woods, Winter Lovers, Snakes In Trees

 Dances with wolves, dances with snakes, dances under the blue stars, gifts to share. Goats and sheep, for the sheep, for the pigs,for the goats, horns to sound. Turning the page now, bright and sunny day again in the coastal town of Ventura. Food and fun, dinner tonight, sheep and lambs, wolves to dances, wolves to date. Good times, sheep and goats, kids to play, dates with wolves, dinner tomorrow, good dates. Set to eat, dinner for wolves, dinner for a dance, horse and pony show, trips to the stars, trips to the moon, lovers for a minute. 
Lovers And Wolves, Dates To Set, Coins Flipped
Lovers And Wolves, Dates To Set, Coins Flipped...Pictures with stories, tales to each one, part of the story, prey on veterans, snake in the grass, lots of love, lots of hate, hacker, crook and robber, history recorded online. In the faces, in the names of all of them, question, of the charms in the wits, of the monkeys to swingers, life on the beach. Steven Jarrot, Rach Jay, coins to flip, masks on for the seasons to come. Fairfax - Los Angeles, CA - Bands & Musicians | FacebookPrince Frog-Out of Pond In the end it is about what you ...Why do straight persons assume that their lifestyle is more ... Steven Jay Jarrot 7608512267 to date. Ways and means used to get over the losses were written and posted on internet in pen names, to deal with the little deaths that have occurred with me, and this was one way to deal with all the questions that I had for this period. Paul and Sima Jarrot, the Cuban Transtranplants, freak from the boat, jokes from here to Turkey, snakes and frogs to dodge. Jokes online, poker players to take a dog to the card games, funny for a Jewish White Whales.
On the yellow brick road, with the lion, on the yellow brick road with the Tin Man, where are the others, that are going to the green cities? Nice post. Rites to carry arms, rights to shoot, snakes and monkeys to harm. Hackers alerts, Sheri and Steven Jarrot, 7608512267.... Snakes under the skin Facebook shadows in the dark. Maya Angelo, Maya Dsilva, Maya Moore, jokes online, snake in grass, crook and liar, Steven Jarrot, 7608512267 party and play, lover to lick, lover to holler, Rach Jay, butches, dykes, lovers for life- Rach Jarrot, Rachel Wigsout, Rachel Jarrot, his other daughter. Movies to be made, cash or credit cum lovers, catchers to mound, ...
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Life in a coffin, stuck with a fag, life with Steven Jarrot. I have heard more than once, chicks and babes, tricked and pimped, back in the day, fairy tales, with a twist. Modern models, girls in the woods, seven knights to watch, seven seas to sail. Tales of lands in other countries, tales of kings. Knights out to mate, kings out for true love, hands to hand, hearts to heats. Bitches and dogs, snakes and frogs, monkeys at the top of the trees. Ways to go, ways to grow, trips to the heavens and back, birds to fly. Eagles for hawks, prey in the air, birds of prey, birds out of the fires. 

True love, time to recap, hats to wear, coins to flip, cards to flip, long time ago. Fairy tales, life in a RV, sinners and saints, ways to go, pages to turn. Books on lovers, reviews of snakes in the grass, frogs and donkey faces under the skin. More ways to go, more animals to review, lovers and hates, tales of a lady. Bitches in heat, five star bitches, cows and dogs, tales to spin. Classes of lovers, classes of snakes, classes of rats to races, frogs and spiders, birds and bees, in the dogwood trees. Monkeys to swingers, party and play, life on the bottom, classes of monkeys, movies have been made.

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