Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·

  Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back. Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view.Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·

Tricks not treats.. Waves to make, boats to rock, seven shells on the beach, ways to looks, looks and charms, lives in a house. Hopes and dreams, desires and drama, moves to make, mountains to climb, hopes for more. Lives on the beach, lives with butts to licks, fun and games, dances for dykes, dances for witches, babes and chicks. 5 Stars to go, seven shells on the beach, six fairy tales to share, donkeys in packs or four or five.

Lots of skin to show, porn movie slut. Bitch in heat, most of the time, trips to hell and back, for free, plane rides. Rachel Jarrot, now Rach Jay, flip side of coin, dyke to date, butch to bitch, cheap trick, trades for movie parts, will do anything, for foot in door. Trades? Tips of arrow, tails to target, sun for light, shawl download for hackers, crooks and robbers, frogs kissed once, snakes and worms, Jewish White Whales. Steven Jarrot 7608512267, with his herd of monkeys.
Tricks not treats.. Waves to make, boats to rock, seven shells on the beach, ways to looks, looks and charms, lives in a house. Hopes and dreams, desires and drama, moves to make, mountains to climb, hopes for more. Lives on the beach, lives with butts to licks, fun and games, dances for dykes, dances for witches, babes and chicks. 5 Stars to go, seven shells on the beach, six fairy tales to share, donkeys in packs or four or five.
Free rides, donkeys for Mary and Jesus to the barns to be born, back in time.…

Free rides, donkeys for Mary and Jesus to the barns to be born, back in time.…
Free rides, donkeys for Mary and Jesus to the barns to be born, back in time. Pimp out at night, dyke on a donkey, bastard barn in a barn. Super-man to… - Maya Moore -

Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·

Thanks For Service, Hands Out To Statements, Skills To Share. Coins Flip, Faces On Rat Racers.Red Eyes, Green Frogs, Poison Darts, Rich Shades...Challenge Growths: Rach Jay: Rachel Gay Jarrot, Monkey Faces...Cartoon hits, cartoon shows, kids to watch....Stars to shine bright, stars out in the darkness, happy tales to share. Bumps in the road, potholes in the brick roads, trips to hell and back, stars to shine.

Last count, lights out, songs to sing, happiness and joy to share, time and time again, today...Ways to grow, winds to wings, birds and bees, songs to sing, dances in the light of day. Good times, sad times, waves to be made..I don’t speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent. Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·
 Writing pieces of my mind, views online, journals in pen names, is what I do daily, going to write books in the 6 decade of my life, have so much to do, before I get there. Pilar Dsilvas' Blog: "Dream life in a RV with a gay fat guy, stuff in a coffin is the nightmares that I have about my daddy.

'"WITHOUT DARKNESS, NOTHING COMES TO BIRTH, AS WITHOUT LIGHT, NOTHING FLOWERS." -May Sarton' Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·
'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
'"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water.
Brothers unknown until the time of death, unknown until after the deaths of the father and the brother, and that was about love and devoti...

Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back. Happy dazes again, peace and love by the seas, with a touch of understanding, with a hand out to forgive the sins of yesterday, the pain and the hurt created, the stories, the tips the tweets, the pictures of truths and honesty from one point of view.Sex Please. Life changing sex. Thanks. A wise man hears one word and understands two. Conversation Starter ·

Washington Marines or not, joys and pains, long lives together, dreams in the winds. Facebook, hits and misses,Chris Green, dressed in blues. Sunny and bright, good guy, I have been told, great job on the water. Love and honor, one of the few, guns to fight the wars. Marines in blues, dances at weddings, joys and pains, dreams to locks of hares, lots of luck.

More than one view to share the mistakes, the misunderstanding, the lessons learned from the lasting impressions made in the past year or two, maybe a life time in the past.Angles Of Angels, Funny Earth Angel, Back In Sky:
May be an image of 4 people and people smiling

Good times, god ties, heads to count, hats to wear: mother to me, sister to me also, dead and gone, 4 decades to count. Brother left alive, last one in the tribe, Carl Lewis Breangh, king of the piles of shit, created from the dogs. Rats to roaches, roaches to deserts, faces in the crowds.' 'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.

Songs to sing, gifts to share, birds and bees, dances on the side of the road, frogs to dodge, what a great day, to be above ground. Sunny and bright lights, out in the dogwood trees, pieces of a dream, pieces of the rainbow.  Black and white matters, hearts on the fields, dreams of horses, dates with knights, cowboy Jim, black rider. Donkeys in the hills and valleys, dates on the bumps, snakes in den, have to dodge.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

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